Hi, my name is

Karlos Daniel.

I'm a Software Engineering student

I’m interested in backend development, distributed systems, databases and Go.

About Me

I am a Brazilian Software Engineering student interested in backend development. I’m currently enrolled in the 7th semester of the bacharelor’s degree program in Software Engineering at the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).

I’m currently reading:

  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications.
  • Concurrency in Go.
Recently, I've been delving in the following topics:
  • Web back-end development and RESTful Web Services with Go.
  • Distributed Systems and their related concepts, such as reliability, scalability and availability.
  • Concurrent Programming
  • Databases and SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Linux
  • Docker and Docker Compose


IT intern with a focus on data cleaning and automation - Goiás State Government (Governo do Estado de Goiás)
Mar 2022 - Fev 2023
I worked as an IT intern for my Government of my State with a focus on data extraction, cleaning and automation using Python, Requests, Pandas and SQL.


2020 - Present
Bacharelor in Software Engineering
Federal University of Goiás | Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)
2017 - 2019
Information Technology Technician plus High School | Técnico em Informática Integrado ao Ensino Médio
Federal Instituto of Goiás | Instituto Federal de Goiás (IFG)


Collaborative Text Editor
Go REST Fiber Docker Docker Compose
Collaborative Text Editor
Backend written in Go for a simple Web-based collaborative text editor.
Patient Transference System - Sistema de Transferência de Pacientes (STP)
Python REST FastAPI Postgres PyTest Docker Docker Compose Poetry
Patient Transference System - Sistema de Transferência de Pacientes (STP)
Academic project done in my Software Engineering Undergraduate Course along 3 other students. Such project is a prototype for a system which helps the transference of patients between hospitals of the Brazilian public healthcare system (SUS). I was responsible for the backend design, implementation and testing alongside one other student. The used technologies was Python, FastAPI, PyTest, Poetry, Docker, Docker Compose and the REST architectural style.
My personal website
Hugo GitHub Pages
My personal website
This personal website that you are viewing right now :c.
Simplified implementation of the Twitter home timeline system design
System design Software architecture and design Data-intensive applications Distributed systems Scalability Databases SQL Python Go Redis
Simplified implementation of the Twitter home timeline system design
Implementation of a simplified version of the Twitter home timeline system design. This project is based on the system design described in the 1st chapter of Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann.